ART FROM THE HEART – 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th November, 2019

“Art requires imagination. It requires creativity. Creativity requires experience and experience comes from your life and your life is expressed in your art.” – Bruce Lee
The creative arts; drama, visual art, dance, storytelling and music involve creative expression as a means for healing the mind, body and spirit. It is a rare opportunity to find an art space for people to come together to imagine, express, create and explore oneself through art and introspect. The participant will be helped to develop a relationship with her/himself through the artistic medium. The focus of these sessions is on the process of creating rather than the outcome. The participants are not required to have any artistic ability, rather, it is through the use of the individual’s senses that the imagination can process, flourish, and support healing. As such, the process is often referred to as “low skill, high sensitivity.” By expressing oneself through the creative arts, one is utilizing both physical and emotional bodies to explore issues, through color, kinesthetic, shape, texture, and form. The Art from heart sessions will have different modalities such as Movement, Art, Drama, Music and Storytelling.
“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein
Anyone who is interested and ready to explore about oneself and their relationship with others through expressive arts, are welcome!
Dates: 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th November, 2019
Timings: 11 AM to 1 PM
Indian Institute of Psychodrama
7, Muchachi Mansion (3rd floor),
Kasthuri Estate 3rd street,
Chennai – 600086.
For more details contact: 9884700104 / 9884700135
Email: [email protected]