“Psychodrama with Fairytales” — A Four-session Workshop.
Find yourself in the magic, and find the magic in you!
Dates: Four Saturdays in June and July 2022 — 11th, 18th and 25th June; and 2nd July.
Time: 5:30pm-8:30pm India time / 8am-11am USA / 2pm-5pm CEST.
Venue: Zoom.
Fee: Rs. 6,000 / 200 USD
About Psychodrama
Psychodrama is a scientific way to explore personal truths through dramatic enactments.
This is a spontaneous and creative method which, when used by well-trained and certified psychodramatists, can help to deepen participants’ understandings of real-life situations, past incidents, inner mental-processes, and other occurrences — by acting them out in the present moment.
Sometimes, as in this Workshop, symbolic objects and characters, and stories such as fairytales, are added into the mix. Through Psychodrama we would seek to experience the issues, conflicts, and choices of the characters of the fairytales, and we would seek to discover related elements in our own lives. In the process, participants might learn a lot about themselves. The process might help participants’ to re-frame and re-imagine the stories of their lives. Along the way, participants’ might gain various perspectives, and more compassion and empathy for themselves and for those around them.
About Fairytales
Fairytales are folktales that have some magic in them. The widely-loved fairytales have been popular for generations, but they are more than just entertainment: they portray universal relationships, yearnings, and states of mind, and suggest ways to succeed in life.
Fairytales take place in a magical realm in which all matter can be transformed instantly — but often only after a long period of dedication and devotion. In fairytales, just wishing can make it so (sometimes). This realm is the opposite of the laborious, mechanical, and scientific realm.
The principle of reciprocity is paramount in many of these stories: Mother Nature rewards kind and generous characters, while greedy characters come to bad ends.
Early in fairytales, the stories’ central characters may seem to be failures. They cannot do things like everyone else: this is in part because these central characters are so authentic. These characters are then sometimes sent away from home. Fairytales tend to present the adventures of young people struggling to make their ways in the world. The central characters may experience obstacles and pitfalls, and undergo trials which may lead to inner and/or outer transformations, and the gaining of wisdom and wealth.
Fairytale central characters often progress with help from magical allies — friends and teachers found along the way. These central characters often have deep connections with the natural and supernatural worlds. For example, they may understand animal languages.
Fairytales are mostly coming-of-age stories. Fairytales typically end with the central character’s marriage. Having earned a treasure and a wonderful life-partner, the central character is now on track to “live happily ever after”.
The Fairytales we would be working with in this Workshop
1) “Bearskin” (Germany), on 11th June.
2) “Brother and Sister” (Germany), on 18th June.
3) “Marrying the Turtle Princess” (India and Japan), on 25th June.
4) “Momotaro, the Peach Boy” (Japan), on 2nd July.
Who Should Attend the Workshop?
The methods used in this workshop might be very useful for those who conduct Life Coaching or Psychological Counselling sessions (or who aspire to do so). These methods can also be used for facilitating Healing, Maturing, and Personality Development, and for giving training in Life Skills, Soft Skills, and Communication Skills.
The only requirements are an interest in Psychology and a love of Fairytales. (The Workshop would involve an introduction to, and application of, aspects of Jungian Psychology such as symbols, archetypes, and the collective unconscious.)
Co-trainers of the Workshop
1 Magdalene Jeyarathnam (PhD in-process, MSW),
( https://centerforcounselling.org/magdalene-jeyarathnam )
Indian Institute of Psychodrama ( https://centerforcounselling.org/indian-institute-of-psychodrama-iip ), and East West Center for Counselling and Training ( https://centerforcounselling.org ).
Her TED Talk on Psychodrama is here ( https://youtu.be/CfDUUugbTeY ).
Magdalene (based in Chennai) is a longtime therapist and is a pioneer in bringing Psychodrama, and Psychodrama training, to India (including in partnership with Indian universities).
2 Dr. Eric Miller (PhD in Folklore, MSc in Psychology),
Director, World Storytelling Institute ( https://indianstorytellingnetwork.org/Chennai.html#Eric )
Dr. Eric (a native New Yorker, settled in Chennai) is a developer of “Storytelling Therapy” and especially “Fairytale Therapy.” He is a co-founder of 1) the World Storytelling Institute (an NGO based in Chennai, https://storytellinginstitute.org ), and 2) the Indian Storytelling Network, and is the founder of 3) the Storytelling Therapy Association of India, 4) the Chennai Storytelling Festival, and 5) the Storytelling by and for Adults series (on the first Monday of each month, via Zoom).
For Queries and Clarification
Phone: 9884700104 / 106 / 135
Email: [email protected]